
La vs Ks

La: high is 82
Ks: high is 30

La: coat closet held our china
Ks: coat closet actually holds coats (& scarves & gloves & hats)

La: carport nice
Ks: enclosed garage necessary

La: runny noses due to allergies
Ks: pneumonia due to under dressing in inclement weather!

La: don't run errands with 2 kids because you don't want to tote them in
Ks: don't run errands with 2 kids because you don't want anyone to get sick AGAIN...


Elizabeth said...

Oh, my! Snow. Did the kids love it? Do you remember your next door neighbor when we were growing up making snow ice cream?

ashley said...

i do remember that - it was a LONG time ago!!

Shandra said...

it's just plain hot here! i had a tank and shorts on yesterday walking. got cooler today but i'm ready to actuall wear a coat!

love the pics of your kiddos they are precious and growing fast!

Mikefam said...

Welcome to having a "real" winter. It snows in Germany, but in most parts it only lasts for a few days. I miss real winters where there is always a white Christmas unless El Nino has struck again. One day... I hope your kids at least learn to enjoy winter as much as I do.

Christine said...


I am so excited to see that you are enjoying the snow. I miss it so much. Has Stone had any "Snow Days" yet?

Please send some snow our way.
