
Excited about a sister

As far as we know, it's still a girl - so, my uncle Bob came in town last weekend and painted a daisy on the wall above where her crib will go. Doesn't it look real? It looks even better in person.

I have about 7 weeks left to go, so it's getting close...and I can't wait to have my body back! Daddy and Stone are very excited about having a daughter/sister. What will I do with a girl!?! I'm so NOT girly, but I know it will be fun!

Our daughter's initials are SMS. We still haven't told what her name will be, but if you'd like to guess, you can contribute $5 per guess and it will go in a pot. If you're right, you win the pot. If no one guesses her name, the pot will become the beginning of her college fund. (That was all Chet's idea).


elly said...

Hmm - I think it would have to be like a "silent auction guess". Otherwise, Chetster would rigg it so he could have the beginnings of a college fund - am I right? I didn't keep the books at the BSU for 9 years for nothing!

Michael, Meg & Naomi said...

I would say the "M" is for Megan for me of course, but I'm sure that is hopeful thinking!

The room looks great! I'm sad though, my room is now taken! But then again, I don't know if Michael and I would fit on a twin bed. I can't wait to see this little girl! And you too, of course! I love you!!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Elly, thanks for the shout out but Ashley and I haven't had the easiest time agreeing on names so this one will not change. I am confident, however, that it is next to impossible to guess what her name is.

Meg, you owe $5 to the SMS college fund/contest. If your form of payment is not received within 10 business days, interest will be charged. By the way, we have a sleeper couch that is currently being recovered that will be used for guests.

Michael, Meg & Naomi said...

I agree w/ Mrs. Elly, the rules of this contest seem a bit sketchy. As far as we know you could just be changing it anytime someone's guess is right.

knelson said...

Ok - i'm trusting ya'll with my $5.00 guess - Sara Margaret Sears

Unknown said...

I love seeing Chet with the kiddo, and don't worry, I'm not girly either but for some reason the girliness TOTALLY comes out with a daughter. Now I want everything pink and love that she loves dolls and fix her hair all the time..... it'll come naturally. And Chet, John's favorite color now (for himself even!) is pink. So watch out.

Megan said...

This is sort of random, but if you didn't have one for Stone you need to buy a miracle blanket for Sears Baby #2. Check it out at miracleblanket.com. I used it with Jolie & it was a lifesaver. Jolie Mizell borrowed it & said it worked wonders with Kathryn as well. I just recommended it to another friend at church & within 2 weeks (I think her daughter was 5 weeks old when she started using it)her daughter was sleeping all night.

I love the name being a secret. I think we will do the same for all of our kids.

Shandra said...

Ashley....AWWW...you named her Shandra!! Shandra Megan Sears!! HOW SWEET!!!

Megan...you told me about that blanket too. I bought the cheap version of it though!! :)

Mrs Kathy...Sara? Come on!! It's going to be something unique I bet like....well, I don't know. I don't want to say b/c Chet will hunt me down for $5.

Can't wait to find out!!! :)

Shandra said...

By the way....Stone is a cutie!!!

Michelle said...

no particular order:


and chet, bill me $5; i submitted my guesses on 1 comment post.

Stacy said...

ooh i like the name sophie...and i'm just stating an opinion not a guess, so i don't get a bill :)

ashley said...

I love that you guys are guessing. It's so fun to hear what crosses everyone's mind...but I regret to say you're all wrong. Michelle, you're the closest, but no cigar.

I'll leave the billing to my account receivables department headed by our household CFO - Chet.

Anonymous said...

My guess is Stonette Mahaiah Sears. :) I won, right??

Shandra said...

sophia?...bill matt for that one chet. i'm sure he'll pay!

elly said...

Shonnie Mariah - and I'm sure Chet still owes the mission fund some money!

Do they have that miracle blanket in adult size? If so, I'm all over it - I sometimes have insomnia so bad!

elly said...

Oh, Oh I bet the middle name is Melonia (or however you spell it) after The Donald's soul mate #whatever - that's it Shonnie or Shondel Melonia - oh that has to be a winner!

knelson said...

I know - Shadrack Meshack Sears - a good biblical name...not real feminine, but it's just a guess...

a likens said...

This kid is making some easy cash... I want in.

Sally Minor
Sienna Miller
Slushy Monica
Sid Maroon
Sasha Moore
Summer Melanie
Selma Michael...
I have no idea... But I can not wait to find out.

Michelle said...

when are you due??

ashley said...

not soon enough, Michelle!! actually, the scheduled date is wednesday, may 3rd.

Michelle said...

i'm totally jealous, but happy for you! :) i have to wait until may 16th! of course, we scheduled ethan's 2nd birthday for may 6th, so i'm sure i'll be in labor that day...

Anonymous said...

No, the daisy doesn't look real. Daisies don't have letters on them. By the way, is it "daisies" or "daisys" in the plural?

Shandra said...

brought....change the "y" to an "i" and add "es"...oh my word!

Todd Richards said...

My guess is Samatha Megan Sears. Not sure if the $5 guessing fee is for real... but I will play along.