I do not like halloween. Never have - even as a kid. So every year, (after kids I mean) I have not gotten excited about it or planned for it - mostly because I figure my kids are too young to know the difference anyway. I always knew that would change, but I was hoping for later rather than sooner...
The first year Stone was only a few months old. The second year, Chet and I were out of town. The third year we had friends invite us to trick or treat in their neighborhood and we did because it was a chance to get to know them better... but the best part was the friend had an old costume Stone could wear. So we went and had a nice time with them and their boys. This year, I figure we're new here and we'll just skip it - UNTIL we turned on cartoons this morning and all the characters were decked out and knocking on doors. Stone of course wanted to know what his costume was and when we were going trick or treating.
Suddenly I felt like a terrible mom. Why deprive my young child of knocking on a few nice neighbors' doors and getting a few pieces of candy (of which he can have a piece tonight and tomorrow night and then I will confiscate the rest and he'll forget about it)? Now, what to do. I have no costume, no candy bucket, and certainly no candy to pass out... did I even think of that when I was walking past all of it in the stores?
Once again - a friend to the rescue. My sweet friend Katie whom I was talking to this morning (and wishing a Happy Halloween Birthday) came to my aid and lent us a cowboy costume her son had worn the year before complete with boots and a hat!
So there you have it. I managed to locate the cow costume Stone wore two years ago with his grandparents when Chet and I were out of town and we went trick or treating. The kids loved it. Stahley got the hang of it really quickly! She would hold out her bucket and when they would put candy in it she would shove it in their faces even more as if to say, "more, more!" Stone was gracious and said thank you every time. We'll have to get him to teach his sister some manners next year... if we go next year!!
you're not a terrible mom. halloween/"santa" - it's always our decision as parents as to what we'll do about it. even if y'all did not go out last night, i don't think either of them would have held it against you!! they looked very cute. but one of my kids probably would have roped the cow. :)
You pulled it together pretty well. They look adorable!!!!!!!!
I actually looked at your blog yesterday but only had a second so did not get a chance to sign. But my first thought when I saw the nice costume's was "I can't believe Ashley spent the money to buy nice costumes." Not that it is bad to do so but I just know you have gotten cheap like me in your old age.
They both look REALLY cute. I had been given a cow costume which Clara was planning to wear but when I put it on her it was too small. So we went to plan B.
So you became Mighty Mom and in spite of many set backs, Stone had his holloween outing after all. Of course it's always great to have a helpful and loving friend come to the rescue as well.
jolie was telling us "happy halloween" for about a week before the actual event thanks to playhouse disney :) they look really cute for last minute costumes!
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