Stone will be in 3-year old preschool next year. I am stressing over where to send him and for how many days. There are too many options. Everyone says St. Pauls is the best, so if it's the best of course that's where I want him to go. But then there's the "spend the night at the church in line to get a spot" rumor. Is it true and if so, do I really need to spend the night up there? Surely there are other preschools where he can get the same (or at least close to the same) education...
So, the next question is for how many days? 2, 3, or 5 days a week? I have a few friends who I trust that have studied childhood education (something I know nothing about!) who say he's far advanced for his age and he needs to be challenged - that I should send him for 5 days a week... but, he's only 3!!! (well, he will be in June) He has plenty of years to spend in school behind a desk - especially if he takes the 8-year college plan like his mom (but then I really didn't spend all 8 years behind a desk, I guess). Anyway, you get the point... so, I guess 3 days is ideal for me - but if three days a week fills up before I get to the front of the "spend the night in a sleeping bag" line, then am I depriving him of knowledge, brain stimulation, and success if I only do two days or should I do all 5? I guess, after all, that it's only from 9-12, so it's not like he's there from 8-3. Oh the drama going on in my head these days...
Any of you teachers or mothers of older children have advice or suggestions? I am all ears!
For what it's worth -
I am assuming you have the option on how many days Stone goes, if at all...
1. ANY program you enroll a 3 yr. old child in should be for social pleasure, and bring him joy & affirmation. And when he doesn't want to go, don't make him.
2. Make sure the "spend the night line" is truly because it's that much better than the others - often it's for the prestige of that school, not necessarily the quality of the service.
3. Obviously the greatest instruction is taking place at home, where it should be, or he would not be so bright....carry on.
Don't get me started....
thanks mrs kathy - i just need some direction and affirmation in this process. we are praying about it for sure...
Most experts consider the ChetBeef Academy for Academic Brutality to be the finest training a young man could get. You should send him there no matter how many nights you have to camp out.
ash...i totally agree w/ mrs. kathy...couldn't have said it better myself. could you start out w/ 2 or 3 and see how that goes? i will say...from a teacher perspective..preschool is important. they are practically expected to read when they enter kindergarten. so i say just send him a couple of days now and when he's 4 maybe send him 5. just my opinon.
2 day program. emily began reading and writing at 3. she's never been to a preschool, we've just had her in a two day MDO. stone will be smart regardless of where you take him. you obviously work with him at home, that's why he's doing so well! :) we've struggled with putting emily in a 3 or 5 day pre-k next year; she clearly would do well, but we've decided to keep her where she is. she's much to serious of a child to be in a program that challenges her. we challenge her enough at home! i want her to spend her last year before kindergarten at home with me! :)
just my two cents! but what about southfield? the kids i used to keep went there when they were in preschool -- i remember their mom and dad being pretty satisfied.
I can attest without reservation that y'all are great parents and any decision you make will be the right one. If it means getting the best for Stone then I will load up and camp with you. Anything I can do to help I will! You are right to realize that time is flying by. It seems like only yesterday that Uncle Beef was Baby Beef and had few if any opinions about anything. Then he was born! And as you know, the rest is history!
I have a source who says they can get you in St. Paul's without waiting in line.
while that would be great, i only want to do that if it's legal - and i'm sure it is since you're a law protector these days. call me.
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