
3 months to go...and counting!

So, Shan - here's your picture! I'm 6 months pregnant and have WAY TOO LONG to go! This is about the last time I would dare take a picture of myself until I've lost the baby weight, so here it is.

I'm not one of those pretty pregnant people - you know, the kind that only get a little belly in front...and that's okay. It's just the way my body is made. I get pregnant everywhere - my arms, my face, my belly, my thighs...it's everywhere! So, that just means I have to work extra hard to get the weight off...and I will...believe me, I will run like the wind as soon as my doctor says I can. Last time, I am proud to say I lost 4 pounds more than what I gained, so I know I can do it...I just have to commit myself to it!

As for now, I'll just keep eating when I'm hungry and loving it. After all, it's the only time I'll have a good excuse - and who knows...it may be my last time for a good excuse!


Anonymous said...

Whatever, Ashley, you are gorgeous, preggers or no, just as you always have been! :)

Shandra said...

Girl....you look great!! I totally was not one of those people either that put on weight just in my belly. They make me sick!!! It's hard getting that weight off...I'm STILL working on it! I wish I could run, but it hurts my knees. I'll stick w/ pilates! Thanks for the pick! You really do look great. Eat all you want now b/c it is a good excuse!! :)

knelson said...

You look wonderful! I'll be in your area in March for a couple of Women's Events - maybe we can see each other then.
I really need somemore of that stationary you made for me - (the heavy stock cards w/envelopes) I have LOVED them. Send me a price list and I'll give you an order.
Love you!
K. Nelson
ps Tell Chet hi :)

elly said...

I think you look adorable! Nothing cuter than a pregnant woman, I think!

ashley said...

You are all too sweet - I feel like a new person today with all the compliments:)

elly said...

you and Rebecca Byrd were on the same wave length - she posted her picture today too - too cute!

Unknown said...

You just don't THINK you are beautiful, but you are. I know what you mean though, all you have to do is look at my hospital pics to see that I was pregnant in every possible area of my body. Face was the worst!!!!! You inspire me though, I am determined to lose the weight before she's 1, which is only 3 months away, and I've got 15 pounds to go!

ashley said...

you can do it, amy. the whole time you're working out, think to yourself, "skinnny legs, skinny legs"